Ambassador Program v2

Registration form: Click here
We’re excited to introduce our new Tribal Token Ambassadors program v2.
The program has been designed to assist with our Community building efforts, project awareness and creating relationships with talented and passionate Tribal members. We believe that our community members are at the forefront of our success, and at the heart of the Tribal Token. We understand that product awareness plays a key role and it will have a direct impact on our growth. With that being said, our efforts will be laser focused on education, community activities, engagement efforts and product awareness.
Join us on this journey and let’s grow together!
How to join?
The Ambassadors program will be open to anyone. You will be required to complete this registration form for consideration. We ask that you submit your work only after you have gotten a confirmation acceptance email. Everyone, who is accepted to the Ambassadors program will receive a unique invite link (UIL) to share with their network. As new members join the server via your invite link you will receive credit for each one.
Benefits & Perks
Increase your WEB3 experience with a reputable project
Increase your WEB3 knowledge by working alongside talented professionals
Personal job references from the Community lead (Top performers only)
Earn $Tribl tokens
Tribal Crypto will continue adding future roles to the core team as we scale. This is a great opportunity to showcase your talent and potentially land a full-time position by displaying your excellent skill sets, commitment to Tribal, passion, and talent. We will keep a close eye on those who perform at extraordinary levels. If you work hard consistently, we will notice. You will not be overlooked.
All participants who complete the Ambassadors program will receive a Tribal Certificate
Ambassador Roles
Content writer
Meme Creator
Language moderator
Tweet Content Creator
Discord BOT creator
Ambassador Trainer
Telegram engager
Engagement specialist
Researcher and Data Analyst
Designers will create artwork based on the needs of the project. This includes, announcements, comparison sheets, infographics and more. The best designs that meets the needs of the project will be selected and get points accordingly. All designs must meet Tribl brand guidelines which are pinned in the design channel. You are welcome to take initiatives and create designs at you own leisure outside of the set tasks. This is a good way to stay on the top of the leaderboard.
As a videographer you will create videos based on the information that is readily available about Tribal. For example: Articles, news, announcements, educational content and info on newly formed partnerships etc.. We understand creativity is required for this task, so we will allow you as a creator, to create what you think will be useful for the project to meet our needs. Occasionally, we will make a special video request.
Telegram engager Engagement Specialist
Telegram engager — If you’re committed to being an active telegram engager you are to have a minimum of 500 messages per month, invite your friends via your unique invite link (UIL) and greet and welcome all newcomers.
Promote Tribal in different communities and share it with us.
Moderators / Language Moderators
We are looking for both fluent English speakers and regional moderators who are passionate about Tribal. Moderators will be responsible for communicating all information to their regional community efficiently and effectively. This includes but not limited translating all documents, announcements and reporting trends that will effectively assist with growing the respective community.
Content Writers / Tweet Content Creator
Content writers are a extremely important component of the Ambassadors program. Content writers capture the attention of the readers. The content must be well written and concise to keep readers interested.
Tweet Threads
Narratives ideas
Data comparison sheet
Twitter content Creators
Like, retweet, quote retweet all Tribal’s Tweets.
Create your own tweets about Tribal 1–3 per day.
Tweet about Tribal to quality influencers. Don’t spam them. Use your discretion but generally 1 should be suffice. . Must use @tribal_crypto and $Tribl cashtag.
How to submit your work
Make a copy of the google sheet and copy your work onto that sheet. Submit your sheet at the end of the week by Sunday Midnight EST via email to
KYC will be required to avoid anonymous contributors or security risks for the project.
Points structure
Infographics / Memes
5–20 points
Quoted Tweets / Tweet threads
5–10 points
Articles / Translated documents
20–50 points
Moderators / Language moderators
Pool % allocation
Engagement specialist
20–100 points
Discord Referrals
15 — points
20 -100 points