Hello, 2023!

2022 was full of interesting events, both good and bad, and we sympathize with anyone who experienced any kind of loss during this time. On our end, it was a productive year. To help us reach our goal of helping small and medium-sized businesses in emerging markets grow, we started building out our ecosystem. Our team spent a lot of time and effort researching, developing, and exploring a wide variety of DeFi possibilities, which we are really excited to talk about in 2023. There were a number of highlights for us in 2022, one of which was collaborating with a top-tier cryptocurrency exchange, Kucoin, to pilot the Boomerang rewards program. Our sponsor, Tribal Credit, has just acquired Paykii, a platform for online bill payments. Additionally, Tribal Credit has formed a partnership with Visa, which now makes it possible for businesses to utilize Visa cards anywhere that Visa cards are accepted.
We look forward to another fantastic year for Tribal and our community in 2023, which promises to be even more exciting than the previous year. In the last year, our community has grown a lot, and we now have more than 40,000 members across all of our social media channels. We are really thankful for each and every one of you, and we hope that the year 2023 brings you all happiness and success.